Under threat of bodily harm...

I have been told that I can't blog about last night. Lo siento amigos. Who knows though, given a little time, I might feel braver *Sigh*

Not to worry though, I have plenty of other stories to tell. Today, however i'm going to introduce a series by a certain someone you may already know (hint:not me). We'll call it"The Confessional". you can find it here.

Anyway, off to today's post!

I dont really know which woman to talk about today. The fuck-buddy who thought she was screwing her way INTO a relationship (how deluded was she?). I met her on the train a few years ago. We ended up getting off at the same stop. I walked her to her bus and took her number. Called her the next day or maybe the day after (dont remember). She seemed into me...cool.

We met up in town (as we always did). Walked and talked for a bit..and eventually it was time for her to go. I kissed her. She kissed me back. She tasted nice, and she was a good kisser.

"You're a good kisser, you're making me horny"...*really? that's the kind of thing I like to hear* I smiled.

"You have to go, I'll come see you tomorrow", I said, remaining as aloof as I could.

I went to visit her the next day. We made out and talked for a bit..well, mostly made out. At some point, my conscience (i miss that guy) prompted me to say

"I really like you, but I'm not really ready for a relationship right now"...i didnt want to be the guy who led her on and broke her heart...yes people, there's a nice guy in here somewhere.

She seemed a little sad for a minute...but then I kissed her again..and she seemed to forget all about it...

after a few minutes fooling around, we took a breather and she looked pensive...then she must have thought "fuck it", took my hand and led me up to her bedroom. The sex was amazing.

In my mind, she was simply a booty call. We would call the other when we needed sexual healing. We did it everywhere. Her house, the restrooms at her uni, empty classrooms, cinema...among others that I wont say...I will say though, be wary of the fititng rooms at a certain Topshop :). She gave exquisite head. So did I.

In her mind, she was a "girlfriend in waiting". I only realised this about a year after we stopped seeing each other. She told me I had "broken her heart" when I told her I was seeing someone else. I'm sorry for that. It wasnt my intention. Apparently she had been waiting for me to be ready. Little did she know...


Or should I blog about the one who started dropping hints about marriage a week after we started seeing each other. I met her at the beginning of summer one year. She gave me her number and told me to call her. I was going to, but due to a hectic schedule that summer, i never got around to it. Ran into her again a couple of months later on my way to work...

Ready2Wed: You never called me.

Bachelor: Erm, yea u know u're right. It's just been crazy with work...havent really had much time...you know what...i'll call u tonight, same number right? Cool, gotta run to work.

its not that I didnt want to call her..I did (she turned around to walk away and any doubt in my mind that I wanted to call her was wiped away by the sway of her hips)...I really was busy.

I called her that friday and we talked for an hour or so. This was when I was still able to sustain a phone convo for hours without incorporating phone sex. She called me back about an hour after we hung up and we talked into the night. I thought "Cool, she seems interested". I had no idea.

She called me the next morning..something like 8am...on a saturday! I was up because it was family devotion time (for all of you who think I am the devil's pikin...i am not)..anyway I told her I would call her back when i was leaving the house (popsi likes to eavesdrop).

We talked, again, for hours during which she told me of her less than angelic past. But how, now she had made a promise to God: No more sex till marriage. I should have let it burn there. I didnt want to be the reason she breaks her promise to God, and I wasnt considering celibacy...or marriage.

She was out of town all this time, which is why we only talked on the phone, but she would be back on monday evening.

"Cool", i said, "we should chill".

R2W: "Yea, definitely. What do you want to do?"

Smf:"Erm, this movie just came out and i've been dying to see it. Interested?"

R2W:"Sure, I'd love to. It's a date!"

Smf:"Well, we're just hanging out, really..not really a date"

R2W: "Nonsense, it's a date"

Smf: "Ok, ok its a date...but u know how dates usually end right?" *cheeky*

R2W:"lol. i'm not kissing you..i dont kiss guys on the first date"

Smf:"we'll see".

We set it up for tuesday afternoon (I had quit my job...it was one of those commission based door to door jobs that almost every nigerian in the UK has done and I had decided it wasnt worth working 9am-10pm mon-sat for £50/wk).

Come tuesday, we meet up, eat, then go see the movie. She was still frontin like I would put my arm around her shoulder and she'd be like "Get off me, you're not my man". I simply raised an eyebrow and did as she asked. Then she would edge closer to me and link arms... the games some women try to play.

Anyway, we're watching the movie and she puts her head on my shoulder...I put my arm around her and think nothing of it. Then she pulls my face towards her and plants one on me.

(I just realised how long this post is getting...R2W should have gotten her own post...I'll continue in another post)

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Just...Toluwa said...

wow SMF...u r something!

RocNaija said...

Damn bro..!
You write looong!
Interesting gist though..
But you get patience... :)

wordmerchant said...

poor fuck buddy! how could u break her heart like that?...more importantly how could you defile topshop!! lol

All these games men and women play...makes my head spin.

african weight loss diva said...

This post was long oh. Very long.

Nice post sha. its a pity how we girls sometimes assume stuff. WE are so different from guys sha in our way of thinking

Afrobabe said...

I didn't do any such job oh..lmao...

I fel soory for fuck buddy too...chei.
I still think u be devil pikin...u just hadn't graduated at the time.

scribble,me.free said...

so i've heard...

What else am I supposed to do at work?

to be honest, I was a little naive back then..wasnt too savvy to the games...or just wasnt interested in playing them...which is why i was honest from the beginning. *sigh* theses days i try to be much clearer with my intentions

african weight loss diva
we are worlds apart in the way we view our relationships most times. Its amazing many people find enough in common to be in a committed unfailing relationship...makes me respect my parents all the more

what job?

I felt bad for her too..but I had been clear and she chose to read between the lines. By the time I found out, she was over it tho...she's with someone now, happy and possibly getting married, so good for her :)

p.s. ahn now...it's not fair...i'm a good guy at heart

P!NK & RUFFLES said...

lol......all i can say

Lady Koko said...

AND THAT IS WHY I ALWAYS TELL MY GIRLFRIENDS.....dont EVER initiate a relationship wiv a guy......continue to date...ENJOY dating.......some men love to stay in that dating stage forever....IF ITS BEEN A WHILE AND THINGS AINT GOING NO WHERE...DIVERT YOUR ATTENTION TO OTHER MEN.....simple....but many never listen to the wise one...*sigh*

Lady Koko said...

I HAVE JUST BEEN INFORMED...you've been a very naughty boy *shakes head*.....NOW I WANT YOU TO GO TO BED AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!
p.s: NO KISSESS FOR THE undeserving!

scribble,me.free said...

that's enough thank you very much :P

Lady Koko
i went to bed and had a dream about you...i generally do as I'm told so concerning " THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"..can we reverse the order of events? :-P
p.s. *kiss, kiss, suck, lick*

Miss Definitely Maybe said...

you are crazy
but then again
I have been crazier

Confessions of a London gal said...

Now i wont be able to go into any Topshop without thinkin 'is it this one?' Lol...


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