Karma's conclusion

Quick Edit:Calling out all those "bloggers" who are at the bottom of my blogroll. If you haven't updated in over a week, this is for you. Name and shame!

  • TDVA - 3weeks ago...and before that it was months!
  • Badderchic - 2weeks ago...you are excused since u told us why
  • Lady Koko - 1week ago...why you keep daddy waiting?
  • MDM - 1week...you cant keep us waiting like this
  • Beloved - 1week...get on it! i know u have material!

I had another topic for today's post but people want to see how me and Karma worked out.

She walked away from me, leaving me puzzled and distraught. Why had she been sending me so many signals if she was just going to drop me like a bad habit. Karma really had a twisted sense of humour.

The next week, she called me.

I'm having dinner at mine with a bunch of friends. It would be great if you could make it.
Of course. Count me in. A hopeful smile spread across my lips

So I turned up at her place. I was early so there wasn't many people there yet. But there was one person.

Smf, I'd like you to meet Tony. My boyfriend.

Oh, hi. I shook his hand awkwardly. I couldn't believe what she'd done. I told her I didn't want to meet him. Its so much harder to steal someone's girlfriend if you know him. And even harder when he's a stand up guy and you actually like him. And he was. And I did. She had warned me that I would. Nice to meet you.

A few other people turned up. And over the course of the night, my anger and frustration melted away as I got to know Tony. I could see why she couldn't leave him. He was a man deserving of her. And now I couldn't bring myself in good conscience to continue to try to steal his girl.

So, I didn't get the girl, not this time. I'm content to stay friends with her. For now

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RocNaija said...

"Now tell me WHO's BAD?!"

*Does the moon walk...*

RocNaija said...

So she fought and ran away..


The only part I didn't get was "..harder to steal someone's girlfriend if you know him"

My bad.. but I can't see the relevance..

scribble,me.free said...

lol, u might have a point. I think my conscience might be a little overdeveloped. it's cool tho... If I choose I can turn it back on, but there's plenty other fish to fry right now

Confessions of a London gal said...

Roc! ROc!! Roc!!! What urself o!
Whats all these now?
Lemme go read!
*Goes away pissed at Roc*

Confessions of a London gal said...

Hmmnn..Makes sense- Not that its right either way 4 u to take someone elses' but then this world is only for the fittest... (Survival of the fittest and all).
Dont mind Roc o! He is gbogbo bigs boyz so he may find it easy to chop another man's thing and clean mouth! lol
Yup! More fishes in the ocean to pick and fry...you never did like sushi afterall.

TDVA said...

I know people who know people who can get you! hisssssss.

*Stalks off to read*

Confessions of a London gal said...

But then again, the guy is only an acquaintance, not a friend, so....
I dunno jare. Only thing i know for sure is, if you are going to take a lady from her man, least you can do is top the man- so at least she has no room for regrets with you....
...If its not just about the physical for you, then maybe u can try...

Confessions of a London gal said...

Oh yeah- Technically- I am 2nd!
Dont really wanna do an award acceptance speech for a Silver Award though...
*walking away, thiniking "this Roc guy is a killjoy!"*

wordmerchant said...

scribble stay away from this chic....do u wanna get walloped by karma or better still her boyfie lol. Don't follow roc..he is baaaaaaad!!!!

*Ahem...so when do you wanna come over to offer your free services. Come to my blog to get my adress :)

lol@roc and london girl.

RocNaija said...

lol @ wordmerchant & confessions..

Y'all are tripping..

Me.. she.. karma..

Ménage à trois!!


brownskinaijachic said...

it all depneds on you.. does it seem right to u. just think about it..

TDVA said...

all this karma busines...jockload of crap to me jo.

u want her, take her if u can, and not just for the thrill of whatever silly chase, but to have and to delight in. make it worth it.

for any other reason, go and look for the Ghanaian babes or that other one you hinted at or woteva, but keep ur grimy player hands off Karma!

;) yes, it is personal :p

TDVA said...

and you Roc, i'm coming for u. You don't call TDVA out and get away with it.

scribble,me.free said...

Maybe you'll be quicker next time ;)

that's the thing. I know myself, I want what I cant have..but then when I get it, I make no promises. Which is why I left her. Also, there's the added wahala that I live with one of her closest friends, who introduced us. I dont want trouble. For all those reasons, I had to allow it

I know, I dont want to piss of Karma AND my flatmate. So I'm leaving her alone

U sure u want karma in bed with you...the whole "u get what u give" palaver? As in, you give penetration...u get....

thanks for the advice, and thanks for stopping by. I've thought about it, and it's not a great idea.

Tans guise!

Confessions of a London gal said...

Then you might as well back off. I know what you mean sha- its something dats all guys seem to go through at one point or the other...If all you want is achieving that 'thrill' that comes at the end of the chase, then avoid her altogether.
Cos trust, Karma CAN be a bigger female dog!

simplidivine said...

i snoozed and now im like 18th..dont let roc's comment influence u, always go with ur gut feeling/conscience.. u were right to back off..eventually if its meant to be..it will be.. and i so get d grass is greener on d other side.. who knws if/when u get her u might find it was all an illusion/screensaver

Just...Toluwa said...

lol @ errrone who commented b4 me...

Staying friends is a very bd idea....u just might fall one day and she might also be vulnerable..and den u both hurt the guy u both like...

But then again, what he doesnt know wldnt hurt..

simplidivine said...

glad u didnt get her yet though..me thinks ur ego could do with a 'lil deflation

scribble,me.free said...

Female dogs are nice. Karma is a bitch

u snooze, u...u get the gist. my ego is doing very fine thank you very much. I could have gotten her if i pressed, but i graciously stepped back. too much to lose.

if something happens, then it happens, i wont push for it.

"what he doesnt know wldnt hurt.."<< very true!

simplidivine said...

(rolling eyes heavenward, praying for strength/patience) there goes ur ego again tripping u up.. " u cld have had her if u pressed"..shio..vanity to the 100th level,i hope u acknowledge theres at least a 50% chance she wouldnt have fallen even if u pressed

scribble,me.free said...

yes, that's fair enough. but there's also a 50% chance that she would have. What i'm trying to say is that this had no bearing on my ego whatsoever. She is a woman in a committed relationship. She wanted me. It wasnt simply a case of I couldnt have her. She couldnt have me.

simplidivine said...

its real simple..she chose him over u..she's not married, she's dating..trust me (seeing as im a woman n u r not), if she wanted u that badly she would have broken up with her man..im just saying ur shit aint as tight as u like to think..shikena

Confessions of a London gal said...

Lol...Scribble- Female dogs ARE bitches!
@SimpliDivine- free the guy, dont bite his head off now. lol

Temite said...

SMF - have we met?
Dont think So...
So how are you?
I am Temite. Yeah. Nice to meet you too.
I think we are going to be friends.
Karma will FUCK you up big time. Watch your back o.

Sexkitten said...

I've never tried to take another woman's man. Just don't have the stomach for it.

I understand how it would be harder to do if you know and like the man whose girl you want to steal.

Yep, you have some good Karma coming your way.

scribble,me.free said...


Thank you o, please help me tell her...

Very nice to meet you too. I think we would make very good friends. Dont worry, me and Karma have settled our differences

I'm glad u understand me. And thanks for the good Karma!

Afrobabe said...

Good for her....good girl...

Funms-the rebirth said...

Roc, na wa for u o

anyway scribble...... u have a great conscience... good for u! but on the other hand, maybe shes meant to be with u, did u ever think about that?

scribble,me.free said...

ah ahn. what's the beef now? u know what, it's cool..he's the kinda man she needs right now anyway. She's at that age where she's looking for something serious. I'm not.

Too young for "meant to be" right now. I'm just trying to live my life. These are my golden years hehe.

Tigeress said...

Scribbles why u wan tief anoda man babe? Plenty babe no dey outside? Dont listen to that individual called Roc. lol

I dont understand why these ladies are hustling over Roc. Naughty, naughty, naughty. lol!

Scribbles- ur conscience is a good sign. Plenty fish to fry

Buttercup said...

wow..lol girls cud be funny sometimes..im referring to her making u and her man meet..i've come to the realization that some dudes just dont give a shit, if they want u, they WILL make u fall in love, leave ur man and have u!

good of u to bow out sha!

Lady Koko said...

FLIPPING COWS RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *my new swear words....*
now thats the kinda girls i kick it with...IN FACT..they ONLY type of girls i kick it with......SHE KNEW *SHE* DID THE CHOOSING.....thats how its meant to be ladies!!!!!!!
p.s:I HAVE A LOVERMAN..but you can still fight to win my heart....HE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT IF HE SUDDENLY STOPS handling he's bizzness....someone else will..*WINK*


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