Yesterday was a really busy day

I got all of your comments to my phone but couldn't get here to reply. 33 comments is much too much to respond to in my comment box so I'll give my response here:

kmplx... I know and have met quite a few really stand up, good looking (no homo) guys; that would suggest to me that you're either looking in the wrong places or through a myopic lens

cerberus...gracias amigo. Amen indeed

Qube...hehe..thanks, definitely gunna be happy hunting

simplidivine...don't mind me, that's how u know I'm reading a book. Any words I may have picked up while reading tend to infiltrate their way into my writing.

Shona...thanks, and I'm well on my way to recovery

Jayla..i'll find em wherever they're hidden

TDVA...stop hating..besides, me being the wolf in wolves clothing that still looks like a sheep, they'll prolly be pushing their daughters on me :P

OPTIMISTIC...that may be true, but it's the hunter's ability to tame the bush meat, calm it down and escape unscathed that makes him a professional

Confessions... I said at least 5, but if you want I can start to take your route, just give me the co-ordinates. And stop frontin...i know you're planning out how you're gna stalk all the bars, libraries, coffee shops, department stores, asdas, tescos, train stations, and Oxford street this weekend.

Bibi...well I'll be wandering that way in a couple of months. And I daresay, telling ur friends to stay away from all Nigerian men this weekend might be asking a bit too much hehe.

Smaragd...Oneitis isn't contagious, no. As for your warning, while it's more specific and viable than Bibi's, it won't work either, since their guard will be well down and by the time they realise what's happening, they'll be sitting accross a table from me at Starbucks, sipping on a frappucino, laughing. Melancholy ko...raincoats as u know, are a must for me

Gochi...thanks, as for the sickie, I'd say go for it. We are on this earth but once

BSNC...yup, all the ammo I need. this recession? however, a lot can be said for Waitrose. I was in there a couple of weeks back and I saw one of the foiniestesete (yes, an actual word cannot describe her) women I have ever seen. Shame I was in a funk at the time.'ll be careful, btw, I made your pineapple fried rice last night, de.lish!

Neffie...thank you very much mum. Monsieur Scriblé is def on the prowl

blogoratti...funny you should bring that up. I never considered myself having much game at all. Maybe I'll do a post on that.

Repressed...thanks, to be honest, I don't quite mind being the prey. It can be fun.

Jayla...I could step off the curb tomorrow and get hit by a bus. I could get pushed off the platform in front of a moving train. I could slip and fall in the tub, banging my head against the edge. All that is just as likely as me dying from swine flu. But El todo poderoso es mi padre. I'll be ok. worry I'll keep you posted on the 'shenanigans'.'s not my elbow I'm looking to grease, if you get my meaning *wink*...thanks!

Tigeress....believe me, if it was possible to share mojo I would, but it comes with a unique identity marker.

Abeni...i'm right here luv

Naked be warned indeed.

It all begins tonight, going out with a few friends. I'll let u know how it goes!

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TDVA said...


TDVA said...

thank you, no pictures please, thank you.

TDVA said...

hahahahahahahaha @ "it's not my elbow I'm looking to grease".

enjoy your 'greasing'.

TDVA said...

ok, i claim second for Lowlah.

holla Low.

Confessions of a London gal said...

Since you asked nicely...
Meet me at Oxford street on Saturday, will you? ;)

kmplx said...

lolol! ironic that you say "few" implying that there are few and far between but they exist. without a doubt, but in proportion to the females, i wonder? :)

Bibi said...

My psychic abilities have revealed to me that there will be no sexy women at wherever you're going. But please pay it no mind cos things usually happen the other way around. Hehehehehe

Miss Lowlah said...

HOLLA!!!!! Thank you TDVA Mwahaha suckers!

I didn't comment on the last post so I got no mention :(

I gotta go read the comments cos those responses are funny.

Avartsy said...

ok now...I hear u

Glad u liked it!

BSNC said...

on your mark

BSNC said...

happy hunting..

simplidivine said...

with d it red for for guys?? Im too sharp enjoy ur night out n let us knw out it goes..

Smaragd said...

Oro e ti sun mi bobo yi! (meaning, i'm officially tired of!

Smaragd said...

omg! TDVA's trying to sneak up on me? e tu brutus ?


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