Let's talk about Botany (the post is not as long as it seems

Botany, plant science(n), phytology, or plant biology is a branch of biology and is the scientific study of plant life and development. Botany covers a wide range of scientific disciplines that study plants, algae, and fungi including: PSYCHE!! Haha you know i'm not really gunna talk about botany.That one was for Mocha

There's quite a few things I do want to talk about. I have, however, forgotten every single one of them..lemme see, let me remember.

Right, numero uno! My mother called me on Sunday evening to say "Happy Resurrection Sunday" and to ask me why I hadn't called her to wish her the same. My response; Easter is tomorrow mom. Her; No, Easter is today, Jesus rose on Sunday....No, mom, if Jesus was buried on the evening of Good Friday, and was resurrected 3 days later, there's NO WAY it could have been Sunday.

Let's just say she wasn't too happy with my logical approach. Hehe

Second; bumight!

You don't know the half of it, my dear. Exhibits A and B:
  • I regularly find a relatively quiet spot, when out clubbing, to sit down, pull out my blackberry and type up some poetry, a blog post, etc.

  • The last time I went to a club, I mistakenly took a really captivating book that I'd been reading all day and hadn't been able to put down. I got bored of the scene, grabbed a chair by the bar and started reading. Best. club night. ever! I'm going to make that a regular thing

The most popular question I get asked these days, especially by my female friends, is

"*Gasp*, Scribbles, how come you dont have a girlfriend?". They ask it with a baffled and wowed expression on their faces. I'm like; I dunno, I guess I haven't found the right girl yet. Then they go, Oh I have the perfect girl for you, what kind of girls do you like. I'm thinking, Right, Ok, you probably don't, but I don't mind playing along, who knows. She's never the perfect girl for me.

My flatmate, the female one, has a certain aversion to clothes. She can be regularly caught casually skulking about the house in nothing but a towel. A couple nights ago, it was just a t-shirt. I asked her; Do you hate clothes. She goes; Yes, why should I have to wear clothes in my own house? I'm like, maybe because you have a vagina and you live with two guys? She isnt convinced. It's ok, I'm not attracted to her. She's not my type. I can't speak for my other flatmate though. Ah well, if yawa gas, I'll be sure to let y'all know

Sir Scribbles II of The Royal Scribbles...is not me. Just thought I'd clear that up. I haven't changed my moniker. I'm still scribble,me.free. I came across his blog after he commented on one of juiceegal's posts.

Finally, I went to a gospel poetry event last night, and was inspired out of my mind. It was a fantastic night with gifted poets, lovely atmosphere and beautiful company.

Oh right, before I forget, I was tagged in the One Word Meme by Abeni. Might as well do it now.

Ok, I just copied and pasted the questions and it was all jumbled up. Laziness, while being a bastardly bugger, is my faithful companion right now. So I'll do it later.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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Confessions of a London gal said...


BSNC said...

numero dos

Confessions of a London gal said...

Were are all these lazy people!

Confessions of a London gal said...

Read the post...
Had some coffee...
Had my bath...
Had more coffee...

And still, NO ONE??!!!

BSNC said...

excuse you lady... um am not lazy..lol

Confessions of a London gal said...

OMG!!! Its not Rapture is it??!!

Has everyone gone and left me?!!

BSNC said...

what is this post about sef..

wait you took a book to a club. i remember when i took a novel to a party, my brother almost eat me up

Gospel poetry that sounds interesting...

Confessions of a London gal said...

The Royal Scribbles guy put a comment on my page too- and I thought at 1st that it was a new you...something to do with your disappearing and re-emerging as a pure Royal blood! Lol
I did say though that if 'its not Panadol, it cant be like Panadol'

See! I gat your back anyday anytime Scribbs!

BSNC said...

@ confession lol yea right you did all that within 12 seconds

Confessions of a London gal said...

Oh yeah- I did the taking the book to a party once- I got soooo many nasty looks! But who cares?!

Dont think I'd do it again though- if nothing else, it could be perceived as rude or at the very least- antisocial

BSNC said...

you know you have be fined for nothing coming to my blog since(until today)

like i said in my blog 2 purple cow, i pink cock and you shd bring them before the nxt full moon..
( wetin home video no go cause)

Confessions of a London gal said...

@BSNC- Lol. I swear I did it!
Between my 1st comment and my 3rd one... You best believe it

BSNC said...

@confession for real. wow..

okay my job here is done( i think)

hasta la bista peeps

Gochi said...

Sleeping @ a club Check
Writing notes on phone @ a club Check.
Now Reading a book @ a Club that i got to try, but then again my eyes aren't as good as they used to, so i would have to sit somewhere really lit...Hmmm Exposed as a nerd, not checked!

Bibi said...

Confessions & Bsnc, na wa o! Una go win award soon. Anyways, scibbles hon, I was just thinking. How come a guy can go to the club and read a book and still look adorabble. But a babe does the same thing and looks like a freak. Unfair world.

Adeola said...

@ Confessions & BSNC- to think that u gals didnt even comment on the blog itself... However the trumpet is not been blown yet cos i'm still here

scribz,for a second i actually thot you were going to write about Botany!!! Thank God you didnt and pls don't,however i still think it wld have been interesting but then,do you know anything abt it?

Your mom must have been pisd but you should admit you should have called her whether na mon or sun,all na easter abi?
I want to believe you and the other guy will be gentleman enough to leave the girl but then if yawa gas... be sure to drop the gist! how she go dey tempt boys like dat?

I feel you on the club thing jare,i can read "a very interesting,can't afford to drop it book" anywhere and drunk or not,d write up was still gud. Men,i'm waiting for your novel o!

Ok,rily long comments but hell, the post was long nah and i needed to comment on all as Confessions and BSNC no gree do am.

LovePaprika said...

In my mind I thought I would be first lol

Qube The Wordsmith said...

i see confessions is stil a groupie...lol

scribble,me.free said...

Confessions...lol...the Queen is back! yea I thought people might think Sir Scribbles was me coming back anew or something.

BSNC...they did make fun of me, but I didnt really care...i cant be bothered to "rave" anymore.

i'm sorry, I've actually been to ur blog, just had trouble leaving comments. I have the purple cows sha, the pink cock might be a little bit a problem tho...I only have a brown one...

Gochi...dont worry, one day, one day

Bibi...not just any guy, actually. has to be Scribbles :P

Adeola...i know a lot about Botany as a matter of fact. Everything I can copy and paste from Wikipedia ;)
-my mom knows my personality. i question mindless tradition. but I did and do concede that I should have called her because it was important to her.
-i'm hoping one day i might write that book u know...but we'll see

LovePaprika...i'm sure that can be arranged...in your mind

Qube...so it would seem lol

Bibi said...

Ooooooooookay, my bad. Scribbles goes to the club with a book and looks sexy. That's my babe. lol. Btw, why do friends try to hook pple up? These days I just tell them I'm currently in a fling. So no space for boyfriend

Repressed One said...

Book to a club? That's a new one...the bartender didn't have you thrown out? lol. I sometimes have a book with me while out but don't pull it out cos i don't wanna be rude.

"...wonder what scribz type is...hmmm"

Tigeress said...

taking a book to the club?!!!! I'm baffled here. Why would u do that? Why not stay at home and play loud music?

BSNC and CLG- i'ma smack both of yawl. lol!

Confessions of a London gal said...

Sribbs! You and Qube are sooo not serious!
Pschew! Groupie my a$$!!

Can you please TELL THEM that I am your no 1 paddy, your Day & Night Nurse and your big time sis and not just ordinary groupie!!!

Watch it o! :0)

scribble,me.free said...

Bibi...see the diff is I try to give everything a chance, so I go along with it...and it never works out

Repressed One...one of the bartenders actually walked over and asked me why I wasn't on the dance floor having fun. And then we started talking about the book...i think she was flirting with me..but then again, that's her job.

Tigeress...had to go, was my friends birthday thing. And I needed something to read on the train...i didnt really think it through, but I'm glad I took the book

Confessions...you know the deal now. didn't u see the word I used to describe u? "Queen".

Btw, I still have that fever

Buttercup said...

hey Scribbles!

i'll be back to read..just marking my 'register'..

bumight said...

typing a post in the club, ..maybe ok BUT
Scribbles, reading a book in a club is an absolute NO-NO!

Buttercup said...

U r somn else, Scribbles!

BSNC said...

its all good....lol

Mocha said...

You did it!! you.SO.did.it!

See? Toldcha I'd read even if you wrote about botany ;)

You made me laugh after a particularly stressful day!

Just...Toluwa said...

hmm scribbles is a nerd! certified!

but hey sumone said nerds r cute, as opposed to geeks! lol!



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