A man died

Earlier this evening I heard the news that's likely to be on the front page of the Metro tomorrow morning. "Michael Jackson dies from cardiac arrest". Within 5 minutes of hearing this news, I heard things that made me mad.

"Who cares about Michael Jackson man?" and the one that took the cake; "Really? That's great news"

I was in shock. People a man just died. I mean I've never really been a Jacko fan. But... A MAN DIED. A man like any other man. A man with a family, friends, people that loved him, people that he loved. And all you can offer is a "who cares"?

Legend or not, paedophile or no, his was a life still precious. As precious as any one of ours. His was a life.

And for someone to just dismiss, and even rejoice in his death. That's just foul.

A man is dead. Show some respect.

On the flip side, a man died. Life goes on. Why are people going crazy.

The only certain thing in life is death. Yet everyone is so surprised when it happens.

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Lolia said...

But really dismissing or rejoicing in someone else's death is not the best...Especially when like you said, they have a sad grieving family...But at the same time, people tend to overdo and are going completely overboard with the whole thing...Life does go on and from a Christian perspective, even though granted, not everyone is Christian, you can't mourn like someone who has no faith....What you can and should do is pray for his salvation and that He whose knowledge and mercy surpass all things will grant Michael eternal rest...

bsnc said...

Yes he was a great man. May his soul rest in peace..

sweetness said...

il miss him
damn i will

kmplx said...

i find the hypocrisy difficult to deal with. the same people that dissed him last week are the same people crying now. appreciate life, and respect death.

Imoteda said...

It's a shame that a man is dead. But A WOMAN died too. A good woman who's life was stolen by cancer. A woman with a fiance who loved her and a grown son who was actually hers. A woman who made the mistake of dying on the same day as Michael Jackson now she gets none of the respect she deserves.

R.I.P Farah Fawcett. The Original Charlie's Angel


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