OMG I love you!

I have a surprise for you, close your eyes I'd said.


I moved from my position, lips between her thighs, over to the bedside table.

She was already face was covered in her juices.

I picked up the little pouch and opened it. I pushed the button.


OMG I love you!


1 week previous, in the afterglow.

Just so you know, I'm not looking for anything serious. Unprompted

Ok then, so just a bit of fun? My response.

Yea I guess.

Left it at that.

Fast forward to friday night..

I come home and she's asleep in my bed. Blue patterned chemise, red lace panties. I "wake her up" with my lips between her thighs, till she's dripping wet.

I have a surprise for you, close your eyes

I moved from my position over to the bedside table

I picked up the little pouch and opened it. I pushed the button.


OMG I love you!

I ignored it at the time and carried on; tongue, fingers...bzzzz. Her legs shook...her body arched...her vulva convulsed... but I digress.

I have a question to pose to the ladies. This is a casual thing, a B.U.D.D.Y as Mocha, and previously Musiq put it.

Should I be worried?

I'm going to talk to her later today..just make sure we're on the same page. I'm open to things developing, but if there's something behind that statement, things may be developing much too quickly. I'm not sure I can keep up.

Another question.

Should B.U.D.D.I.E.S be exclusive? Does exclusivity make it more than an arrangement? Is exclusivity the required criterion for graduation from "arrangement" to "situation"?

She's a great girl. On the surface of things, not nearly as crazy as previous engagements. And there's definitely the possibility. But not quite yet.

So I ask again.

Should I be worried?

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funms-the rebirth said...

what was in the pouch is the question? hmmm she may have said the oMG i love u cuz of the content.....
still, u should have the talk again to make sure ur on the same page.... dont just assume... she may have shifted from the buddy zone since she initiated it...
If Buddies become exclusive, it takes away the my opinion!

Miss Enigma said...

Hmmm...the I love u cld have jst been a reaction to the excitement of the moment; but lyk funms said, u need to clarify to ensure that u dnt hurt someones feeling jst incase she's moving forward emotionally.

And ermmm, when u add being exclusive to a buddy equation, it takes it out of the buddy category (IMO) and moves it towards a commitment.

Pls wat was the buzzin' object? Vibrator? Give correct details

BBB said...

i am sure it was a vibrator.. that would have been fun...

it might have come out cos she was so excited but then again the only way to know for sure is to ask her....

c_u_o said...

Exclusive buddies? Que es esto?

Clarify, clarify and then clarify some more. It's always a good idea to go into any situation eyes open. Fewer surprises.KWIM?

Tigeress said...

She probably loved you at that moment. Pleasure can make u say stupid stuff. lol. i reckon u've got nothing to worry about. See if she says it when ur head isnt buried.........

Cerberus said...

socio once it's exclusive you aint buddies anymore, you are in a relationship.

juiceegal said...

Theres nothin like exclusive buddies, thats the whole point of the buddie arrangement, once exclusion is added, you guys have moved to the next level.
Its better u guys talk it out before ur "link" becomes something
"I love you"...........boy she must have been in cloud 9 to have utterd that statement considerin the fact that last week she wasn't lookin for anything serious, i take it u kno d right kinda buttons to press that'l make a grown woman be declaring her love for

Imoteda said...

Chances are the "I love you" was just a passion thing. Unless she utters it again when you're not buzzing around her hoo-haa then you have nothing to worry about.

Hmmm. If I were to have a buddy then I would want it to be exclusive. The whole point of having a buddy in my opinion is to have someone you can have sex with on the regular without having to worry about stds and rumors and drama. If its not exclusive why bother putting a name on it. Just sleep around. Its what you're doing anyways. And when he/she brings back aids... well... such is life abi? The important thing is to choose a buddy you have absolutely no chance in hell of falling for.

bsnc said...

I don't think you should be worried. That was the only thing she could say at that point in time..( i think)

RepressedOne said...

She probably got carried away with whatever you showed her [which was???]. But if u're overly concerned about it then you can have a lighthearted conversation about it.

I would think there is a certain level of exclusivity even with fuck buddies...unless u'all are keeping 2/3 partners each. I would also agree that there is a fine line between that and the transition to a 'commitment'...a conversation should be had if the lines become/start to become blurred.

scribble, said...

thanks for the advice guys...what do u think was in the pouch?

ShonaVixen said...

Its been a while since I've been here but y'all keep on updating as if you're on back to the post..the Bzzzzz which reminds me of that Durex advert wiv the ring..she said I love you coz she was happy of the Bzzzz nothing else...remember the look on the girl's face on that advert??..Yup, thats the one she just said it in words..LOL!!!

Naijababe said...

So I have been hearing about scribbles this, scribbles that.


Gochi said...

I'm with Shona on the advert lol, and like everyone said a lil talk to clearify would be good.

Should B.U.D.D.I.E.S be exclusive? Guess it's up to you both but i find information useful when told how many other "buddies" are involved.

Mocha said...

Scribbizle, I tend to agree.
She may have exclaimed the "ominous" in reaction to the delicious ;)
That said.
"OMG I love you" would be the last thing I'd think to say when presented with something as exquisitely promising as what the pouch held; my mind would be too busy thinking up permutations to make any crazy declarations..

(I'm on a roll right??)

As for the B.U.D.D.Y sitch.
You need to clear that ish up cos she just may not be on the same page as you are.
And I totaly agree with Gochi: its best to know what the terms & conditions are so everyone knows exactly what the stakes are.
No "closet expectations" querida.


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