Bedtime Stories (Pilot Episode)

So I'm trying something new. I've said I wouldn't be able to blog as often because I have to work. Well, I'm trying a work around to that.

From tonight onwards, for as long as I'm moved to do it and on nights when I'm not too tired to, I bring you Bedtime Stories by me, Scribbles

Brought to you by my Blackberry.

Basically, this will consist of me getting into bed every night and typing up a story, by the light of my Bold.

I will then post these (whatever it is unedited and uncensored). If the story isn't completed, I will pick up where I left off the next night. Comprende amigos? Si? Muy bien!

Disclaimer: these stories are written lying on my back, tired out of my mind and sometimes, inevitably drunk. As a result, I take no responsibility for them being inarticulate, incomplete or inconsistent.

Otherwise, enjoy.


Richard Dangles had seen a lot of things in his time. He had been in and out of a lot of messy situations, some might argue he had his part in creating the mess, but through it all he had remained upright. He had remained firm.

He once famously declared that all he had were his principles, his principles and his balls. And he would be damned if he let anyone compromise them.

That was until (and of course its always until a woman) she walked into his bar that cold and rainy Sunday afternoon. He knew she was trouble the instant he laid his eyes on her.

Yet he was drawn to her. He found himself channelling Bogart "of all the bars ...".

But he could tell she wasn't right. He knew she had been around the wrong crowd, he could smell them on her, they had soiled her, corrupted her with their generosity.

And she had graciously accepted their gifts, willingly bought into their corruption and when they knew that she was completely theirs, she became their dealer.

She strode determinedly in Dangles' direction and sat on the stool next to him. She lit a cigarette and turned to face him. In the dim light, she looked even more alluring up close.

She looked straight into his eyes and smiled. "Wanna have some fun tonight?"


The sharp and carnally minded among should have noticed something by now. 10 gbosas for the first person that tells me what this story is really about (not you Miss Lowlah)

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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Miss Enigma said...


Miss Enigma said...

See me cracking my brain to figure d damn thing Scribbs I dnt knw jo....cld it be d events of ur day?

bumight said...

obviously I"m not as carnally minded as i would like to think i am, cos i dont notice anything!

so lemme get this straight: this bedtime stories thingy just consists of u blue balling us abi?

Parakeet said...

I dont wanna guess, I just wanna read. I think am gonna like these bed time stories. Scurry here and finish.

tdva said...

lol @ his name.

finish jo.

Miss Lowlah said...

Mmm I'd love to scribble on you.... lol. I got some chocolate pens as presents once. You basically write naughty things on people's skin and then lick it off.

Miss Lowlah said...

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! I know! I know!

Qube said...

dude erm I'm carnal minded n I don't get oh...

BBB said...

oh i donnt get...
is the girl miss lowlah!!! lol

RepressedOne said...

lol@ 'is the girl miss lowlah'

I'm not carnally minded, i guess...Crack?

RepressedOne said...

lol@ 'is the girl miss lowlah'

I'm not carnally minded i guess...Crack?

Tigeress said...

just go ahead and tell us jo.

dizzale said...

mmmm chocolate pens...Scribbles do u have those?? Never mind i'll bring the chocolate and u just borrow a pen or something; we could melt the chocolate in our mouths then lightly touch the pen to the tip of our tongues and play "Guess What Alphabet Im Spelling?" or ex the pen altogether...
*breathe deeply dizzale*
So the story.. i think Dangles runs a Adopt A Puppy store/karaoke bar but he knew her from back when he worked for her dad as a bodyguard. How did I do?

Ruq said...

um... aside from Mr Dangles is a Dick???


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