My Jay-Z style retirement...(A "once great Nation")

I've come out of retirement to say a few words on a topic that Toluwa discussed in her last post and further a comment Tairebabs made.

I should start off by saying (so I'm not crucified) that I'm proud to be Nigerian...wrote this if u doubt it.

Nigeria is getting a lot of bad publicity lately, true.

Nigeria is undeserving of such riducule, false.

If you ask me, what you see is what you get with our "once great nation". Nigeria is a country that has been constantly sliding down the slippery slope of corruption, greed and duplicity since the time she was made a republic.

At least she's consistent.

The reality is, our country has very little left to be proud of. I for one am simply proud because I was created in God's image, Nigerian, therefore, there must be good in us.

My low opinion of our motherland has absolutely no bearing, however, on Nigerians. Some Nigerians.

There are many upstanding Nigerian citizens and those are the people I respect and am proud of. You will never see those people covered in the news though. Those people will never get the publicity that our most degenerate get.


Because, in the words of Chris Rock, "that's what you're supposed to do".

Just like ducks on a lake aren't newsworthy, honest, law-abiding citizens aren't exactly "Breaking News".

I'm yet to see this Sony ad that seems to have everyone up in arms. But I doubt I'll be perturbed by it. If the things it highlights are true, who am I to be insulted by truth?

So I will continue to be proud of my upstanding brothers and sisters and MYSELF for being the best Nigerians we can be and showing the world the good our people are capable of. But as far as my country Nigeria is concerned... I have only indifference.

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vertu said...

Потрясающе! Хочется перечитывать снова и снова… Такие авторы сегодня большая редкость.

Arsento said...

Ценные рекомендации, беру на заметку.

LoloBloggs said...

Scribbles, I'm dissapointed. One because of your retirement, but two because of your position.

Watch the PS3 advert, I'm not overly nationalistic at the best of times, but if the joke was even funny I would be at least amused. The comment they make adds to no value to the advert, comedic or otherwise, its just a dig, but one which is actually harmful.

And that's the point, nobody is blind to what is in their own house, but crusty burnt pots using propaganda to point fingers at small kettles is unnecessary. They should take the piss out of themselves first, we'll be just fine left alone!

seerrgg said...

Занятно пишете, жизненно. Все-таки, для того, чтобы делать по-настоящему интересный блог, нужно не только сообщать о чем-то, но и делать это в интересной форме:)

soliton said...

блог знакомый в аську ссылку кинул

oleg said...

спасибо за статейку

dizzale said...

anything that gets you back amongst the living Scribbles. I've seen the ad and I felt nothing. No, that's a lie, i thought "is there anyone going to Yankee? PS3 is cheap"

BSNC said...

scribbles welcome bac..

Original Mgbeke said...

Nigerians need to learn to fight their battles. I was sooo not offended by the ad sha. We dey petition Sony...we better start petitioning against the entire Government. Shioooo!


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