Sony..saw the ad (going political)

I really shouldn't be putting up two posts in one day, but I saw the ad and just couldn't contain myself.

Seriously? Really? I am flabbergasted. I mean...are you for real??? You took offence at THAT?!?! I got to the end of the ad still waiting for the bit where Sony insulted my home country.

People are acting like Sony purposely made that ad in order to insult Nigeria. They are a sales company. They are selling products. And Nigerians....GET OVER YOUR DAMN SELVES!!!

I don't understand the self-importance many Nigerians have assumed. That whole "emi ke" attitude is terribly misplaced, I'm afraid.

The FACT is Nigeria is a corrupt, mismanaged republic. This mischief is instigated and propagated (kai, big big grammar) by the uppermost governments, piped through subsidiaries and filtered down to the majority of the constituents.

The FACT is there is a Nigerian man/woman/boy/girl sitting in a cybercafe at this very moment perpetrating identity fraud.

The FACT is that my spam filter is loaded with emails from "Nigerian Princes" on a daily basis.

The FACT is that many people in the Western world (let's not comment on their intellect) have been harmed by these scams.

The FACT is that our artists put out music like "Maga don pay", "I go chop your dollar"...."Yahooze"...yes, you know the dance to that one; and we happily accept them glorifying what is wrong with our country.

But let a people who have actually been adversely affected by the maleficence prevalent in our country's outrage. GET OVER YOUR DAMN SELVES!

-We laughed when they made fun of the Chinese for pirate DVDs

-We laughed when they made fun of Americans for being fat

-We laughed at the people that voted for Sarah Palin

-We laugh when they make fun of rednecks and hillbillies

But let them make fun of us? Outrage!!!

Are we really that proud a people? If so, and I ask this in all sincerity  because I may not be fully informed, what have we to be proud of? I would really appreciate an answer if anyone sees it fit.


A Proud Nigerian who isn't proud of Nigeria

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BSNC said...

hmm well everybody is entittled to their own opinion..

Miss Lowlah said...

Lol I'm surprised you even posted on it. I can understand getting mad when they make films that show Nigeria as one big village that has hurricanes and mudslides on a daily basis but this ad was harmless. The dude didn't tell a lie, he didn't insult anybody it was a very quick and fleeting joke. Rednecks are always portrayed as incestuous bigoted freaks and I'm yet to see blog posts or facebook statuses crying out in outrage... I'm just saying.

This takes me back to Don Imus' little slip of tongue... you know the one I'm talking about. I still cannot see why the ENTIRE black community in the world got offended. Lol.

Live and let live jo.

Mackeran said...

По-моему, у Вас украли эту статью и поместили на другом сайте. Я её уже видела.

Gochi said...

I haven't seen the Sony Ad but had been made aware by the numerous statuses on FB. So can't fully comment but the dream that one day Nigeria develops into its potential as a force to be reckoned with. I know it won't be in my lifetime but the dream oh my dream.

Are you retiring?

Original Mgbeke said...

Scribs abeg give me daps. Like seriously...people getting all mad? You know the Naija govt even issued one kain yeye 'press release'. Pure foolishness.

Zena said...

I wasn't one of the people that got mad but I understand were the rest of the other side of the coin is coming from, Yes we know Nigeria has a huge problem with fraud, but we've been the butt of 2 many jokes...Did you see District 9?

What America is doing is lumping all Nigerians into that one canopy of fraud, and I'm not happy with that

So umm yup, gonna read the previous post...How body nah!

leggy said...

i never saw the commercial...but i guess sony didnt get the balls to continue the ad cos i just saw the new ad on tv and they deleted the nigerian joke..see?
if nigerians dont start speaking up...
and hey..just because a nigerian is sitting in a cafe commiting fraud doesnt mean all nigerians should be lumped in the same boat.see?its the honest nigerians we were mad for.
but i guess you have your own opinion.

Nice Anon said...

"A Proud Nigerian who isn’t proud of Nigeria"

Chop chuckle mai broda! I feel you on this!

miss.fab said...

Lol. But we can't get over ourselves! We're Nigerians!!!

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Хаус said...


Electro said...

Класс! Афтару респект!

Parakeet said...

Scribbles, if you are a proud nigerian who ins't proud of Nigeria where did your pride come from then?

I am aware that you are entitled to your opinion and while you can only see the ad as a bit of joke I see if as not only politically and socially dangerous but also economically devastating to Nigeria as sovereign nation. One cannot compare being called fat or all those other examples above to being labelled a fraudster. Have you not noticed that every dealings we have on this earth as it regards to trade is based on some element of trust? If most Nigerians are perceived as being fraudulent what is that going to do to our individual economic growth and that of us as a whole nation? What will happen is that these people are going to make use of our sheer population to sell their products to us and only buy what they absolutely need from us which from where am sitting is only oil & gas. And then you wonder why we're so dependent on oil? Do you know how many Nigerians out there see Sony products of prestigious and save up to buy them? Then you turn round and make those same Nigerians the butt of a joke to sell even more products. We are talking about our integrity as a nation and legacy to pass on to future generation.

There are people working tirelessly behind the scenes trying to make Nigeria better and you think that such Ads will help? If you do not see anything to be proud of in Nigeria I see plenty. Am not about to glorify the bad things people do such as robbery, fraud etc but at least for the most part one can quickly identify the deep seated problems which drives people to such crime.

Perhaps you should take some time to read this post

I rest my case.

Sergej said...

видели видели)

N.I.M.M.O said...

We really need to get over ourselves.

Who does business with the Chinese man because you trust him? Nobody.

You do business with the Chinese because he's got the cheapest goods! Cheap labor = Cheap goods.

There is actually a type of cyber crime called the 'nigerian' scam. It used to be called 'The Spanish Prisoner Scam'.

Note that the word 'nigerian' there is an adverb not a noun. The perpetrators are not necessarily Nigerians. Anybody can do it.

Why do we always claim the negative things?

Hiops said...

Я бы сказала о монументальности, грандиозности некоторых сюжетов. А назвала бы - "нефильтрованный реал". На мой взгляд, красота - это все-таки другое: лучшее, чистое, избранное, заставляющее трепетать и поражаться. Можно найти красоту во всем, но всё скопом - не есть красота. Имхо.

Parakeet said...

NIMMO so you think it's not based on some measure of trust right? You honestly think that any country in the West will procure from a country that offers sub-standard products cos it is cheap? If that is the case why would the Chinese Authority come down like a ton of bricks on that company that manufactured contaminated milk? I dont know where you live but in the UK some Chinese products e.g toys and baby bottles were boycotted by British consumers because of high level of lead found in them. It turned out later that not many of those products were bad but the media in the usual manner blew it so much out of proportion and people panicked. You think if that continued to happen and the media continues to portray China in a bad light, China will continue to have a market for their products? Especially now that Vietnam and India are hot on the heels? Please dont be mistaken. Well atleast the West is doing business with the Chinese already, you think if bad reputation continues to precede Nigeria as it currently does that they'll even bother in the first place?

We are suffering as it is and movies such as district 9 and the Sony Ad is just kicking someone when they're already down. The other day I bought a bottle of water and for buying just that one bottle the manufacturers will pump 10 litres of Water for under-priviledged people in Ghana, Mali, Togo etc. Nigeria was firmly excluded. Why do you think Nigeria gets excluded in charities like these? You listen to the news and you find kids who have gone to Ghana or some other African countries to learn their culture and stuff like and they hardly ever go to Nigeria. I know Nigeria is not as bad as the media make us out to be and while some people are working to make it better, negative publicity like this will not only be a massive downer on moral it actually harms the social growth of the people. I am not kidding myself that most of this negative publicity is not self inflicted but it will be morally and socially wrong for us to sit back and let these people use the power of the media to make things seem worse than they really are. Every country on earth have their own problems but very few of them find themselves being singled out for ridicule in the press like Nigeria does. We need investment in our country to better the lives of people and having images such as this will not help matters. Already I read the likes of Pirelli are taking their head office into Ghana, when other multi-nationals follow what are we going to be left with. we have a lot of work to do to make our country better, publicities such as this is a setback we do not need. I hope people who really want to make a positive change will just see it as all the more reason to intensify their hardwork. But if your own country people dont even believe in themselves who will take us serious. The biggest problem Nigeria has is of those people who see nothing good about the country and who have lost faith that things may get better.

Nerevar said...

Когда снега укроют землю, И Рождество наступит вновь, Бокал за счастье поднимите, За мир, за дружбу, за любовь! И чтоб без горя и сомнений Прожить Вам много светлых дней! Сберечь уют, покой семейный И уважение друзей! с рождеством вас! многоувожаемые и пусть новый год будет удачным и счастливым!

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