we DONT want the funk

so i've found myself in a bit of a rut lately. i've gotten a little moody and people are starting to notice. they ask me what's wrong and i cant really tell them because i dont really know. Well if I were to be perfectly honest with myself, I DO know...and the reason I cant tell them is that they would probably hate me.

You see, my current state of funk is owed in most part to my environment, of which these people are a part. I have become quite intolerant of stupidity and these people have it in buckets..no, tankers. And when I'm quiet and I refuse to join in their foolishness, they ask me why I'm in a mood and I wont lie, I'm very, VERY tempted to tell them that their idiocy is driving me crazy...that I want to grab a stapler and pin the word IDIOT to each and every one of their foreheads. I'm not playing either...I've sat there and planned it out...how much paper I would need...actually typed up the word in big bold letters and gotten inches away from hitting the print button.

I've always tried to be the kind of person that keeps a positive attitude, no matter where I am, keep a smile on my face, cheer others up. But I cant do it here, i'm surrounded by so much negativity, back-stabbing, gossiping, rumor-mongering, name-calling, politics...u name it...they do it. I feel like Lot in Sodom. This is NOT my place. I'm so glad I leave in 2 weeks.

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